Tag Archive | gym

Mai Workout Noob

fitness is a way of life

3 weeks ago my friend Crystal Mai (Mai = My, hence my subject title and play on words) asked me to do some workout routines.  Her first workout consisted of:

Warmup: jumping lunges, side squat, monster mountain climbers – 30 seconds ea.

1st circuit: dips, goblet squat, sit ups or russian twist

2nd cirucit: med ball side lunges, giant rope, plank

small ab workout

I told her in the past a couple people have asked me to train them and we ended up only working out once.  After my first workout with Crystal she tells me why they all stopped.  I guess I pushed her way to hard for the first one.  Oh well, I guess. 

But maybe it’s not me, maybe it’s them because Crystal asked me to train with her for a 2nd time and then that turned into a 3rd TIME!!!  Now we have agreed to train twice a week! 

To me it just shows that Crystal Mai wants it that SHE has to put the work in.  I just provided her the tools, support, and motivation.  It is up to her what she wants to do with it and if she will put it into action.

This is going to be a new challenge for me.  Like I said I’m not a trainer, I am not an expert, but I do enjoy my life of fitness and I want to share it with others.  Plus I must be doing something right if I was able to lose 44 pounds and never fluctuate.

So this weekend will be planning out a workout plan for the month of March.  Create goals and set up deadlines.  This of course doesn’t all come from my head.  Thanks to trainers I’ve had, workout classes, observation, Insanity program, and even Facebook, Instagram, and Pinterest that have give me the guidance to create my own program.

Hmm…maybe should I have Crystal fill out a waiver?  DUN DUN DUUUUNNNN!!!

Thanks for reading. 


Pistols….BANG BANG!!!

No wonder they call them pistols!  Your legs are so shot that day…AND the next day.  I am so feeling my thighs wobble as I take a step.  I am a toddler trying to take that first step.  How do you describe this feeling?  It’s not painful and you can kinda say it’s sore. but not really.  I am sure you all know what feeling I am describing.  Hmm…maybe we should figure out a new word for this feelings.

Today’s WOD for my box was “Helen”, 21-15-9 squat power cleans and dips.  Because of my shoulder I didn’t go heavy.  I started at 35# for my 21, but then asked my coach to up my weight.  So I finished the WOD at 55# and I think I could have gone more if that is what the WOD is working for.  More weight or faster time.  I think the Rx is 65#.  I had to do the dips, I needed it for my shoulder.  I really didn’t have any sharp pain, just soreness.  I can most definitely feel that I have lost some strength because I could have done a lot better with the dips.  But with a bum shoulder I didn’t do so bad.

Another thing I wanted to bring up is my diet.  My box is doing another Paleo Challenge, but I opted out of it.  I like Paleo, but I really do not want to do it 24/7.  I DON’T want to do it, it’s not that I CAN’T do it.  But 24/7 paleo is not realistic to me.  I love my food and I love my cultures food too.

So here is my consumption regiment: 

I still do the carbs and cheese, NO PROCESSED food! Admitting I’ve had soda here and there…eep!                                                                                                                                     Focusing on a lot of little meals and the time I have my meals and space it out.                               I have incorporated meal replacer shakes by herb-a-life.                                                                 I say no to carbs at night.                                                                                                         Lastly up’ing my cardio.  Trying to hit the cardio steps at night for at least 30 minutes.

Yeah it’s possible to lose weight if you go heavy on the diet, but I want a balance life.  I want to be able to eat what I want (but no over eating) and putting my time in the gym.  Then again I love working out and I love Crossfit, so I don’t dread the gym.

“You’ll never know your limits till you push them”

Thanks for reading!


Post-Postseason…back to ROUTINE!

Finally baseball is over.  Don’t get me wrong, I love baseball, I love the Giants, and I love that the Giants are….


but man oh man…I need my routine life back.  My boss should be happy that I am not asking to leave early or call in sick “cough…cough”.  But I really need to get back to 5 am wake up, 6:30 gym/crossfit, 9-6 work, and meal prep for the next days.  Call me a square, but I like my routine lifestyle.  It’s saved my life…ok maybe not saved my life, but it has created my new life based off of health and fitness.  Two thumbs up for the day I realized I wanted to change my life.  Bye-bye spare tire!

I don’t want to blame this on the Giants, and if I was to blame them it’s a damn good excuse!  Since baseball ended it’s been a week since I last worked out as well and been about 2 weeks of no Paleo.  Yesterday was a tough workout.  I was on my 3rd box jump and I didn’t get my feet up quick enough or high enough.  I busted my shin on the edge and……..DAMN IT!!!  Hurt like a MOFO!!!!  After my workout my Trainer tries to be funny and says “Welcome Back!”.  So true….See what happens after a week of not working out and 2 weeks of not eating health.  My body hates it and wants to fight against with me.  Maybe it’s a mental thing too.  I am so afraid to jump on the scale because all my hard work for 6 weeks might have gone down the drain.  Le…sigh….

Lesson learn.  I will NOT torture my body with junk food and laziness.  The only torture it gets is the pain of fitness-success.

Till another day….GET YOUR ASS UP AND WORK!!

Thanks for reading =)

Shut Up and SQUAT!


I really need this shirt (as if it will help).  When I join Crossfit 4 I learned I….SUCK AT SQUATS!!!  It’s been 4 months and I still can’t get it down.  My chest keeps falling forward.  I can’t seem to get my chest up and my butt down.  I try and try and I still can’t manage to do 5 air squats flawlessly.  I know I have to keep working on it and work on my mobility, but damn it I thought I would have gotten it by now.

The workout today:

Bench Press 5-5-5-5-5


Overhead Squat 3-3-3


Oh man, I got so called out with my set up and racking the bar.

Set up – Place both feet under the bar in a squat position to lift the bar off the rack.

Rack it – Go straight at the rack and squat to release.

Just thinking of this damn squats makes me want to hit the gym RIGHT NOW!!!  I am going home for the weekend and damn Salinas doesn’t have a 24 Hour Fitness.  Looks like I’ll be facing the wall tonight =)

Thanks for reading everyone!

4th week – Paleo Challenge

I never said I would be good at this blog thing.  I have the thoughts in my head, but I get lazy to blog it out.  So here is my attempt to catch up.
Almost in the near stretch and I can confidently say it has been a great experience.  Paleo isn’t too hard as long as you have time to plan it out.  Now I am sure that this challenge isn’t perfect Paleo, but I am sure it’s way closer than no Paleo at all.  I can definitely feel the difference when I eat Paleo and when I cheat.  I have had (and yes I mean had because it wasn’t a choice I wanted to make) to cheat for birthdays.  Mainly the birthdays celebrated at work had a major effect on me.  After sinfully eating pizza and cake, about 30 minutes later I was falling asleep at my desk.  Each celebration ended with a 4 hour battle to stay awake.  I am glad the next work birthday isn’t till the end of September….I hope he has a red velvet cake…..ooooooh Mmmmmmm =)
So with 4 weeks down of this challenge I am doing pretty well.  The diet isn’t dreadful.  Maybe it shouldn’t be called a “diet challenge”?  NO WAY! this is a diet, it is a LIFESTYLE.  The word “diet” has a negative outlook and Paleo shouldn’t fall into that category.  Yeah there are some diets that do suck like drinking lemon juice and cayenne pepper.  How is anyone suppose to enjoy that?  But with Paleo the food is enjoyable to eat!!!  Shoot….YOU CAN EAT BACON FOR HEAVEN SAKES!!!  And the foods you want to eat you just gotta alter it a bit and tah dah! you are having your favorite dish.
This challenge has been an amazing experience for me.  Once the challenge finishes up I will continue to eat the Paleo way, but maybe not as strict (I’ll have my kare kare – peanut butter meat).  And as of right now this diet isn’t a diet, but my NEW LIFESTYLE.  I am excited to entire the realm of Paleo and continue to EAT CLEAN AND TRAIN DIRTY!!!!
Before I go I wanted to share with you a text message a fellow CFMer sent me.  More motivation to keep going with Paleo and a healthy life.